rjweb-server - v9.8.6



Easy and Lightweight Web Server Library

🏠 Homepage 🔍 Documentation

lines of code files


This Package is intended to be used in the backend.

  • ✔️ ESM
  • ✔️ CJS
  • ✔️ Typescript


npm install rjweb-server
yarn add rjweb-server
pnpm add rjweb-server
bun install rjweb-server

You will need a runtime to actually use the server. (adapt command to your package manager)

npm install @rjweb/runtime-bun # for bun users
npm install @rjweb/runtime-node # for nodejs users (who couldve guessed, may also work with deno though)


From 8.X to 9.X

Example Usage

All Utilities and examples for specific classes are available in the Documentation.

This Web Server Library is not for pure beginners. For anything slightly advanced you will need basic knowledge of servers. Same with the documentation, very few is provided directly. You should be able to find everything in TSDoc @example sections of the respective Method.

Basic Server

import { Server } from "rjweb-server"
import { Runtime } from "@rjweb/runtime-node"

const server = new Server(Runtime, {
port: 8080 // https://server.rjweb.dev/types/ServerOptions

server.path('/', (path) => path
.http('GET', '/', (http) => http
.onRequest((ctr) => {
return ctr.print('Hello World!')

server.start().then((port) => {
console.log(`Server started on port ${port}!`)

Serve Side Events

import { Server } from "rjweb-server"
import { Runtime } from "@rjweb/runtime-node"
import { time } from "@rjweb/utils"

const server = new Server(Runtime, {
port: 8080 // https://server.rjweb.dev/types/ServerOptions

server.path('/', (path) => path
.http('GET', '/timer', (http) => http
parameters: [
in: 'query',
name: 'seconds',
required: false,
schema: {
type: 'number'
.onRequest((ctr) => {
ctr.headers.set('content-type', 'text/event-stream')
ctr.headers.set('x-accel-buffering', 'no')
ctr.headers.set('cache-control', 'no-cache')
ctr.headers.set('connection', 'keep-alive')

let seconds: number | null = null
const secondsInt = parseInt(ctr.queries.get('seconds', ''))

if (!isNaN(secondsInt) && secondsInt >= 1) seconds = secondsInt

ctr.printChunked((print) => new Promise<void>(async(end) => {
print('retry: 10000\n\n')

let count = 0
const interval = setInterval(() => {

print(`data: ${count}\n\n`)
if (seconds && seconds <= count) {
}, time(1).s())

ctr.$abort(() => {
.http('GET', '/openapi', (http) => http
.onRequest((ctr) => {
return ctr.print(server.openAPI('Example Server', '1.0.0', { url: 'http://localhost.8080' }))

server.start().then((port) => {
console.log(`Server started on port ${port}!`)


import { Server } from "rjweb-server"
import { Runtime } from "@rjweb/runtime-node"
import { time } from "@rjweb/utils"

const server = new Server(Runtime, {
port: 8080 // https://server.rjweb.dev/types/ServerOptions

server.path('/', (path) => path
.ws('/echo', (ws) => ws
.onMessage(async(ctr) => {
await ctr.print(ctr.messageType(), ctr.rawMessageBytes())

server.start().then((port) => {
console.log(`Server started on port ${port}!`)


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Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check issues page.

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📝 License

Copyright © 2024 0x7d8. This project is MIT licensed.